Healing is no act or treatment a healer is performing, but rather a journey the client embarks due to its own accord.
Therapies solve problems coming from outside, e.g. care of a wound or deploy chemotherapy for controll a tumor. With this treatments, however, the cause of injury or illness is ignored.
"Getting healthy" is much more than that. Besides treatment of symptomes people want to achieve a better health. Success will be measured at increased well-being, a newly gained inner peace and strengthening of vitality. Therefore, for a shaman/shamanic practicioner the symptom of suffer doesn't matter. The spiriual practitioner is interested in the cause first.
What does a shamanic session cause?
The efficiency of shamanic methods needs time. Even when the energy system has been replenished and balanced successfully, it takes time for body and mind to forget the memory of suffering. Since shamanic methods deal with the spiritual aspect of suffer, it's difficult to predict the psychical and physical effects. Shamanic counseling is no substitute for medical or psychotherapeutic therapy. Rather may the "ancient" technic of shamanism be a precursor in making modern treatment more efficacious.